Dust of Snow Class 10 Summary, Important Questions, MCQ

The poem Dust of Snow by Robert Frost is a short and simple poem. This poem tells a story of a moment that seems small, but it has a big meaning

Hello buddies! In today's post, we will see the summary of the poem 'Dust of Snow', summary in Hindi, central idea of the poem, questions and answers, MCQs, and some important questions to solve. So, let's learn...

Dust of Snow

"The way a crow

Shook down on me

The dust of snow

From a hemlock tree

Has given my heart

A change of mood

And saved some part

Of a day I had rued." - Robert Frost

Dust of Snow Poem By Robert Frost

Dust of Snow Class 10 Summary

The poem "Dust of Snow" by Robert Frost is a short and simple poem. 

This poem tells a story of a moment that seems small, but it actually has a big meaning. The poet was feeling sad and sat under a hemlock tree in the winter with snow all around. A crow was sitting on the same tree, and it kept shaking off the snow dust onto the poet. When a little bit of snow landed on the poet, it woke him up from his sad thoughts, and he noticed the simple activity happening around him. This made him feel better and realize that he shouldn't waste his time being sad. Instead, he should use the rest of his day to do something positive. This made him feel happy and ready to take on the day with good vibes.

 The "dust of snow" is a metaphor for the small, unexpected things in life that can brighten our day and change our perspective.

The poet suggests that this small event saved some part of a day that he had previously been unhappy with. This might be a reminder to us that even when things seem difficult or frustrating, there is always something small we can focus on to improve our mood and find a bit of happiness.

Overall, the poem is a reminder to appreciate the small things in life and to stay open to unexpected moments of joy and positivity.

Dust of Snow Summary in Hindi

"डस्ट ऑफ स्नो" रोबर्ट फ्रॉस्ट द्वारा लिखी गई, एक छोटी और सरल कविता है, जो एक छोटे से पल की कहानी बताती है जो कवि के दिन को सुधार देती है।

कविता में कवि कहता है कि एक कौवा उसके ऊपर एक हेमलॉक वृक्ष से बर्फ को नीचे गिराता है, जो अधिकतर लोगों के लिए एक बुरी बात लगती है। लेकिन इस छोटे पल ने उनकी दिनचर्या और उसके मनोदशा को बदल देता है। बर्फ की "धूल" एक उपमा है जो जीवन में छोटी चीजों की महत्ता को दर्शाती है, जो हमारे दिन को उजाला कर सकती हैं, और हमारी मनोदशा को बदल सकती हैं।

कवि कहता है कि यह छोटी घटना उसके दिन के उस हिस्से को बचा लेती है जिसे वह पहले निराशा में बीता रहा था। यह हमारे लिए एक संदेश हो सकता है कि जब चीजें कठिन या निराशाजनक लगती हैं, तब भी हमेशा कुछ छोटा चीज होता है, जिस पर हम अपने मूड को सुधारने और थोड़ी खुशी पाने के लिए ध्यान केंद्रित कर सकते हैं।

कुल मिलाकर, यह कविता हमें याद दिलाती है कि जीवन में चाहे कितना ही परेशानी और समस्याएं क्यों ना हो, लेकिन कुछ न कुछ ऐसा चीज होता है, जिसके लिए हम खुश और सकारात्मक हो सकते है।

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Central Idea of the Poem Dust of Snow

The central idea of the poem "Dust of Snow" by Robert Frost is that even small moments in life can have a big impact on our mood and perspective. In the poem, the poet experiences a change of heart after a crow shakes the dust of snow from a hemlock tree onto him. This event saves some part of a day he had rued. The metaphorical "dust of snow" represents the small things in life that have the power to change our mood and bring joy, in the midst of difficult circumstances. The poem reminds us to appreciate the small things in life and stay positive, even when things may not be going as wanted.

Word Meanings

  • Shook - गिराया
  • Hemlock tree - a poisonous tree (एक विषैला पेड़) with small white flowers
  • Rued - पछतावे में खोना

Dust of Snow Class 10 Questions and Answers

1. What is the central idea of the poem Dust of Snow?

The central idea of the poem 'Dust of Snow' by Robert Frost is that even during difficult times, a little good thing can make a significant difference. In the poem, when a crow shakes down the dust of snow on the poet, then he is sorrow mood changes into happy mood.

2. How has the poet observed nature in the poem dust of snow?

The poet has observed nature as a positive medium of change for himself. In the poem, the poet was in sorrow mood. But when a crow shakes down the dust of the snow onto him, his mood changes. Nature inspired him to behave positively and use his time in something good.

3. What does the poet want to convey through the poem 'Dust of Snow'?

The poet wants to convey through the poem is that no matter how many troubles and problems there are in life, there is something that we can be happy and positive about. Life is not all about sorrow and pain, there is happiness and joy life.

4. What did the poet think of the day before The fall of dust of snow on him?

Before the fall of dust of snow, the poet thought the day bad and he had been in sorrow mood. But after the crow shook down the dust of snow on him, his sorrow mood changed into postive and joyful mood. 


1. What is the poem "Dust of Snow" about?

A) The beauty of winter

B) The transformative power of small moments

C) The importance of nature

D) The insignificance of human existence

Answer: B) The transformative power of small moments

2. What falls on the poem in the poem?

A) Rain

B) Snow

C) Ashes

D) Leaves

Answer: B) Snow

3. What shakes the snow onto the poem?

A) Wind

B) Crow

C) Hemlock tree

D) Squirrel

Answer: B) Crow

4. What is the poet's mood before the snow falls on him?

A) Happy

B) Sad

C) Angry

D) Excited

Answer: B) Sad

5. How does the poet's mood change after the snow falls on him?

A) He becomes even more sad

B) He becomes indifferent

C) He becomes happy

D) He becomes angry

Answer: C) He becomes happy

6. What does the "dust of snow" symbolize in the poem?

A) The harshness of winter

B) The beauty of nature

C) The transformative power of small moments

D) The insignificance of human existence

Answer: C) The transformative power of small moments

7. What is the significance of the hemlock tree in the poem?

A) It is poisonous

B) It is beautiful

C) It is barren

D) It is associated with negative events

Answer: D) It is associated with negative events

8. What does the poet mean by "saved some part of a day I had rued"?

A) The snowfall completely changed his day

B) The snowfall partially improved his day

C) The snowfall had no effect on his day

D) The snowfall made his day worse

Answer: B) The snowfall partially improved his day

9. What lesson does the poem teach us?

A) To always expect the worst in life

B) To appreciate small moments of joy

C) To avoid hemlock trees

D) To stay indoors during winter

Answer: B) To appreciate small moments of joy

10. What kind of poem is "Dust of Snow"?

A) A love poem

B) A nature poem

C) A philosophical poem

D) A political poem

Answer: B) A nature poem

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Important Questions 

Here are some important questions from the poem "Dust of Snow" that can help you in understanding and analyzing the poem:

1. What is the central idea of the poem "Dust of Snow"?

2. What is the significance of the hemlock tree in the poem?

3. How does the poet's mood change after the snow falls on him?

4. What does the "dust of snow" symbolize in the poem?

5. What is the tone of the poem "Dust of Snow"?

6. What lesson does the poem teach us?

7. How does Robert Frost use imagery to convey his message in the poem?

8. Why does the poet use a crow in the poem?

9. What does the poet mean by the line, "Saved some part of a day I had rued"?

10. How does the poem relate to the theme of hope?

Answering these questions will help you to develop a deeper understanding of the poem and its themes.


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Hey everyone, I'm Ganesh Kumar! I'm all about money matters, from stocks and mutual funds to making money online. I've been figuring them out for 4 years, and I love sharing what I learn through my journey! Sometimes I even throw in so…


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